Meditation for this week:
Loving Kindness Meditation – Close your eyes and begin saying this mantra over and over, “May I dwell in my heart; may I be free from suffering; may I be healed; may I be at peace.” After a while move to someone quite close to you – a spouse, lover or close friend, and insert that person’s name, saying “May (name) dwell in their heart; may (name) be free from suffering; may (name) be healed; may (name) be at peace.” Next, move on to someone to whom you are not so close, but who is definitely part of your life, inserting their name into the exercise. Continue with someone who is in your life on a regular basis, but whose name you do not know; then work with a complete stranger, and finally the world.
Alan Seale, “Intuitive Living, A Sacred Path”
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