Ah yes, here we are on another fine Spring day with the grass getting greener by the minute as the wind whistles around the world carrying new energy and life. I suspect there are many fellow gardeners out there waiting (perhaps patiently) for their seedlings to sprout and fill their containers with new life or waiting for the ground to warm up enough to accept seeds directly. As we all ponder the wisdom of nature’s approach to our changing weather patterns it seems appropriate to remember that in the big picture we are all really just ants going about our business. Most of us are probably hoping for calmer days, more natural moisture and perhaps a sense of predictability regarding what’s going on with our planet. In fact, all we can really control is our reaction to our environment so in honor of the approaching Earth Day 2014 I invite you to join me in a renewed commitment to taking whatever small steps we can as human beings to sustain and regenerate Mother Earth. Remember this planet is only ours for a little while and then we’ll be passing it on to the next seven generations – let’s leave it better than we found it, if only in our own little anthill.
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