Allow yourself to enter a meditative state. After you have reached a deep state of consciousness, invite the Creative Energy of the Universe to manifest in some form behind you. Take your time, and let the images, feelings, or sounds of its manifestation take form. How does this Creative Energy come to you?
As you become comfortable with this energy, begin a dialogue with it. Ask this Creative Energy of the Universe what it has to say to you. How does it wish to move through you? How does it wish to help you in creating your life? Is there a larger plan for your life than you have been aware of up to this point? Work with the Creative Energy of the Universe for guidance and direction in further opening your second chakra and creative process. You may want to write in your journal as you go along with this exercise, or complete the exercise in a meditative state and then record your impressions afterward. Alan Seale – Intuitive Living, A Sacred Path
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